10 Activities That Will Amplify Your Christian Friendships

Fellowship doesn’t stop after Sunday service or weekly small group meetings. Here are 10 ideas to get you and your Christian friends out and having fun:

1. Worship Paint Party: Even if you’re not #artsy, bring your best paints, brushes, and canvases and enjoy painting with friends while listening to your favorite Christian jams.

2. Take a City Walk: Plan a day to go out around your city to seek out the homeless and offer them prayer, comfort, and company. Ask them what they need. As a Christian, it’s so important to open our hearts to those in need.

3. Potluck: Choose a food party theme and invite friends to make a yummy dish or dessert. Make sure they come with an empty belly!

4. Board game Night: Oh, to be a kid again. Host a game night and have everyone bring their favorite board game or card game for a night of wholesome fun.

5. Take a Hike: Go out and discover God’s greatness in nature! Gather some friends, snacks, and water and set out to hike some trails. Sometimes we’re so caught up in our own lives that we forget to stop and see the world around us. Don’t forget the bug spray!

6. Drive-In movie: Plan a night to go to the closest drive-in theatre. If there isn’t one near you, no problem! Invite friends over for a backyard movie! BYOS (Bring Your Own Snacks).

7. Prayer Walk: This is a personal favorite. Take a walk with a group of friends one afternoon or evening and pray over areas, buildings, or places in your town or city that need a little extra lovin’.

8. Donut Worry, Be happy: Who doesn’t love a good donut in the morning? Get a group together to visit a local donut shop after church. Buy a dozen and walk around the city afterwards to offer to others!

9. Bonfire: Did somebody say s’mores?! The best conversations happen when gathered around a warm and cozy fire. Bring some blankets and your best campfire conversation starters. Need some inspiration? Start off by asking “what is one thing God has been revealing to you lately?”

10. Road-trip: Choose a destination and fuel up! Even if it’s only 3 hours away, sometimes a car ride filled with conversation, sightseeing, and snacks is a great way to bond with friends. Bonus: Are there any Christian concerts/faith conferences nearby? Turn it into a get-a-way weekend.


The special thing about having a Christian community is that we all have one thing in common: we share the same love of Jesus and are bonded through Christ our Lord. By spending time with our community outside of Church, we have the ability to grow together and make new disciples. So, which one of these 10 ideas are you going to try first? If you liked this article, we’d love for you to share it using the options below.


The Check-In Christian